Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Optimum Performance Training

Hey guys,

As you all know I've drank the CrossFit Kool-Aid™, and truly believe in it's principles and methods. I have recently stumbled (was told about) a site called Optimal Performance Training (Optexperience.com). What really impressed me about this CrossFit-type site is the programming. Always strength or skill before the met-con for the day. This really appealed to me as athleticism and total body strength are my top priorities (along with being chiseled). This site also plays with tempos, % maxes, and rest intervals to vary training even more. OPT also puts great emphasis on a new favourite sport of mine, Olympic Weightlifting (do not spell it weight lifting, bro, we aren't doing preacher curls here). I have decided that OPT will be my source of strength and conditioning work, as I believe it will benefit me most in my goals.

I recommend that my followers (both of you!) at least check out this site. While it may be too advanced for some, anyone with some oly-lifting and/or CrossFit experience would love the programming.

Keep your stick on the ice.

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