Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rebounding from an off week

I've eaten like absolute shit the past week or so. Easter candy, crappy carbs, (non-paleo) etc. These things happen. What matters is, long-term. I felt like crap waking up today and I punished myself at the gym. I've set a 2 week goal of 5lbs, which will put me below what I was at before the binge (mostly water). Don't let yourself fall off the wagon, even though you feel like you've failed. That would be like making $40,000 this year and giving up? Instead of jumping back in and getting the $60,000 you wanted and deserve. That's like cutting your finger, and saying "Oh, well I cut my finger, might as well say 'fuck it' and cut the rest off". These are minor speed bumps on your way to excellence, DO NOT let it beat you.

One love. <3

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